Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Shift Subscription - Save 20%
Tectonic Coffee Shift Blend 12oz
Shift Subscription - Save 20%

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Tasting Notes: 
Milk Chocolate,
Browned Almond

50% Brazil

The Shift Blend:

We lovingly call this our "diner coffee done right" it has that classic "coffee" flavor but is so delectably sweet you won't be reaching for the sweetener. 

Each individual single-origin is intentionally sourced to ensure the utmost quality and consistency of flavor year-round. It is a blend we have been perfecting since 2010 and we'll continue to chase that perfect morning cup. 

The Brazil coffee is a consistent component all year round for that comforting traditional coffee flavor. Then depending on the season, we will bounce back and forth between Peru and a Direct Trade Honduras coffee. 

Currently, it is the season for southern hemisphere coffees and 50% of this blend comprises of a coop coffee from Peru called Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Sol y Café. 

Tasting notes the hazelnut, milk chocolate, and browned almond notes taste amazing with or without milk and is the go-to choice of most of our partner cafes. 

Don't forget to check out our video explanation on our blends over on our stories HERE they are designed to take you on a flavor journey as you explore our menu. 


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