Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Shockwave Subscription - Save 20%
Tectonic Coffee Shockwave Blend 12oz
Shockwave Subscription - Save 20%

Shockwave Subscription - Save 20%

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Tasting Notes: 

50% Brazil
50% Peru
Direct Trade



The Shockwave Blend:

This blend is comprised of the same components as our Shift Blendbut roasted to a slightly darker degree or as we say it is "roast forward". Those hazelnut & milk chocolate notes in the Shift Blend take on more of a roasted almond & baker's chocolate and it rounds out with the heaviest body of all our offerings. 

With this coffee, we welcome what you can throw at it, want sweetener? Sure! Want a creamer? Go for it! You are the type of coffee drinker that doesn't want the fuss and wants to enjoy a bold beverage your way! 

We applaud you! 

Don't forget to check out our video explanation on our blends over on our stories HERE they are designed to take you on a flavor journey as you explore our menu. 


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