Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Tectonic Blend Subscription - Save 20%
Tectonic Coffee Coffee Tectonic Blend 12oz
Tectonic Blend Subscription - Save 20%

Tectonic Blend Subscription - Save 20%

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Tasting Notes: 

70% NariñoColombia
 Guji, Ethiopia 


The Tectonic Blend:

Our flagship blend is designed to offer a flavor profile indicative of this company's roast style: the pursuit of sweetness, cleanliness, and balance. It's the most fruit-forward of our blend offerings, with floral high notes and juicy undertones. 


This blend is for those who understand that Acidity is highly sought after but still want a consistent cup all year round. For seasonal freshness, we bring up Colombia coffees every quarter to ensure nothing but the best for this drop of joe. 


Winner of the 2018 Bronze Medal for Best Espresso. Over 1000+ coffees from well over 300 roasters were submitted to the Golden Bean North America awards for review by a panel of 200 judges. 


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